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Видео по нахлысту

Two Minute Tying Lightning Bug Bead Head Nymph

видео размещено 12.02.2015
видеоролик просмотрен : 831

Two Minute Tying Lightning Bug Bead Head Nymph

he Lightning Bug Bead Head Nymph (orange for this fly) is an all-purpose nymph that is used as more of an attractor pattern when fly fishing. The pattern can be varied by utilizing different materials for the tail, changing colors/sizes in the ribbing, and varying the color and material of dubbing at the thorax. Feel free to experiment with this pattern because the possibilities are endless! Featured in this fly tying tutorial are Allen Fly Fishing hooks, the N204BL which are barbless and offer a great hook for this pattern.
Теги: Lightning Bug, pattern, bead head, beadhead, Tim Cammisa, Orvis, allen fly fishing, scud, hook, barbless, nymph, lure, insect, bug, SLF, Ultra Wire, tungsten...

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