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FlySpoke Fly Tying The Ice Cream Emerger Trout Fly Fishing

видео размещено 10.12.2012
видеоролик просмотрен : 2178

FlySpoke Fly Tying The Ice Cream Emerger Trout Fly Fishing

FlySpoke Fly Tying The Ice Cream Emerger Trout Fly Fishing

I created the Ice Emergers by using Pure Ice Nail Polish on the bodies and heads of soft hackle style flies. I have been successful using them this season whenever cream color mayflies are coming off. You can change the bodies and dubbing from the light cream color to other traditional quill bodies with copper rib and just add the Pure Ice. Fish as a wet fly dropper. Most hits will come at the end of your drift as the fly rises in the current. Don't pick up too fast.

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